Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lunch time break...

...and up... some more pictures!

yami, yami, says the turtle...

I like


Bernard and the turtle

Karl and the turtle


Isa and jelly

Safety stop!

the last ones...

... for today... I have to study now!!

Kine and Bernard





See you tomorrow!! xxx

... more...

Can you drink more colorants?



Go Pro style!


sun set drinks

Go pro

Hot pink!! soooo hot... but my computer is fucked...

the face of happiness

... more...

working hard!

cobras anyone?

The boys

Koh Bida

and lots of pictures...

at May's for yami food

Bernard, that's a small one... you know??

At May's, beers and mineral water... with no minerals...

Bernard and Julie

At Kontiki... been silly... that's for my little sis! muaaaaaa

Amazing look!

Julie... probably thinking about pissing or not in her wet suit... Julie, don't do it!!! hahahahaha


Koh haa, we went back and it was awesome!!! Karl and Jonathan came along on the dive, and we saw so many stuff. I found 3 ghost pipe fish and Karl found a turtle and a little shrimp.. that even if I asked karl about 10000 times the name, I can’t remember… sorry… fish memory.

Koh Bida, last day diving for Bernard L it was cool tho… I think Bernard was very sad… and actually, us too… we had so much fun and it was super cool to be all together on the boat every day!

Day off before the return. We went to the water falls, that was very nice, even when on the way back, a guide (we didn’t have any guide), looked at Karl very serious and said: there is a big cobra on the path…. Yuhuuuu, we went so fast on the way back, that’s for sure, I was freaking out, but at the same time siging the Indiana jones song in my head…
We stop at a very nice bakery and got some cakes for diner, got some bottles of wine and went to say bye bye to the boat crew… that was sad for Bernard…they are so amazing.
We had a lovely last diner together on our terrace and said our good byes.
Bernard you are amazing!

Today I took the ferry to PP again, and started a new IDC.
February is going to be a crazy month… but hey, nothing is too crazy when you do what you really want to do!

I send you all love, and will be super in touch for the next 10 days.. and then… it will be silence again… sorry, but on the hills… internet doesn’t happen! xxx

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

before PART II

Some pics...

Welcome to Thailand!!

Spain/France VS Belgium, who will destroy the dive computer first??

On the boat from Phuket to Phiphi to the final destination, finally!!

Phuket, going to the IE

Many, many more to come....



This time has been long for sure… very long… so long, that I’m going back to PP tomorrow for another IDC and I have not put any news on my delirious page since I left last.
Shame on me… but not really… I have been having far to much fun ;-)

Before I left PP, Bernard arrived from Ibiza, do you remember Bernard?? He was doing his IDC in Ibiza, he is from Belgium and have a very surrealistic sense of humor!! Hahahaha

Anyway, 2 days before the end of the IDC he came over and spent 2 days in PP, then came over to Phuket to the IE and then came with me to my lovely island (he is thinking about moving here forever!!).

The first day back in Lanta, relax and doing nothing during the all day was in the menu, but in the afternoon, Bernard booked his full diving holidays, with his amazing private guide (that will be me, sorry but my grand mother is too far to tell me how amazing I am… J).
So, started diving the next day!!
Julie came over too for some time off after her IE so we were the 3 of diving during the first 3 days.

Koh Bida the first day…. Nothing to declare, just good fun, with 2 Swedish guys as well, that were very serious at the beginning, but as soon as you scrach the surface, were really, really fun (I think they really love the fact that I hated monkeys and the fact that I was attacked by a trigger fish…mmmmm).

Hin Muang, Hin Daeng, amazing, healthy, beautiful corals, so much fun, millions and millions of fish… just fun
Even more fun when my computer start telling me that I am at 7m when I am at 15, and when the temperature goes from -50 (brrrrrrrrrrr) to 114 degrees Celsius… interesting!!! So my computer D4 number 2 is in reparation… about my D4 number 1, news to come shortly….

Koh haa, then there is something to declare… The dive started really nice, and happy and blue and great… perfect really, we saw a bat dead under a coral… scuba failure bat really… we had 2 other guests with us, so I had to go up a little before the guys. So I left Bernard on charge of finishing the dive.
When Julie and Bernard arrive on the boat, Julie is shouting to Bernard (Bernard is the calmest, nicest person ever, and Julie… she is a Latin…). So here they are, in a very bad mood, and Julie saying every 2 words, “I could have died”… shit, what happened?
I heve to tell you something before I carry on: while I was working in the Maldives, the water sometimes was getting cold, so we were all wearing long wet suits. Long wet suits, cold water and long dive: you piss in your wet suit, that’s the way it is…
So my friend Nicola told me a trick: you put yourself upside down, blow bubbles from your alternate air source, and that will clean the piss out of your wet suit. The first time I did it, I forgot to get my booties out of my wet suit, so I was full of air (and piss), going up, up side down, laughing really hard and been very ridiculous. Anyway, when I told the trick to Julie, I said: ”don’t forget to make sure that your booties are out of your wet suit”. The answer was “ yeah yeah, for sure, I’m not so silly” okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
So what happened underwater is that Julie piss in her wet suit, got full of air inside, grab a stone to try to stay down and start shouting to Bernard to come and rescue, but because Julie shouts a lot, Bernard was thinking that she was trying to show him something… and that was it…
When Julie was telling me the story, I started laughing so hard, that I didn’t make things better… but at the end… everything was fine, Julie decided to stop been angry and start been happy… so much better.

After this 3 days diving, 9 dives in total and lots of giggling, we took a day off.
The night before, everyone came to our place for some drinks and some bqq chicken. It was so much fun, and amazing to have all the Kontiki crew, plus David and Niclas (the 2 Swedish guys that were diving with us on day one). We were over 20 people on our terrace and it was lovely.
Julie went back to PP the next day, and we chill during the day and went for a lovely sunset!

Koh rock, I have been saying that I destroy the computers because of my magnetic field… no body believes me… but I believe me… we were doing our dives with Bernard and suddently his computer start saying at 9.5m that the NDL is 1 minutes, and 1 second later 59 minutes and 1 second later 2 minutes and 1 second later 64 minutes… very funny, but not really, D9 destroyed!! 12 dives, 2 computers down….

Hin Muang, Hin Daeng, nice crazy currents… yuhuuuu, loved it! Kine came diving with us, and we decided to attack divers that were literally lying on coral!! A little bit of underwater police! Was fun tho!!

TO BE CONTINUED... later tonight...

Thursday, January 17, 2013


...Last day today, tomorrow Phuket and finally Saturday, back to my nice quiet Island...


my fantastic view to PhiPhi waste waters... mmmmmmm, is ok when is not raining....

and nice things in the jungle...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I just

Liked that, and I'm so thankful for the ones that take me exactly as I am!

Monday, January 14, 2013


... I have known my niece for 3 years!!!
I have adore and love my niece for 3 years.

Thank you Ines to:

1- Be born while we were watching watching the most amazing sun eclipse in the Maldives, the best news, in one of the most beautiful place in the world.

2- Slam my face in the worst time of my life, while I was trying to meditate about my future, you opened my eyes... for sure.

3- Give me positive energy, and make me laugh so hard, even when in you country is so cold

4- Teach me how to be naive, and believe that to have elephant and penguins sleeping in the bedroom is totally normal.

5- Love your Tigr-Isa so much.

6- To sing Paradise from Coldplay even when you wear a flamenco dress

7- Come so quietly into the room in the morning, and just watch me sleep, until I open one eye and you climb under the duvet

8- Be an excellent reason to eat sweets and ice creams all the time

9- Give hugs, kisses and then ignore me because you know I love you unconditionally  (you can be such a girl!!).

10- Make my sister so happy, and all the rest of the family.

Happy Birthday little one, and remember that you are very lucky to don't know how to read yet, otherwise you will have to read the blog of your very cheesy aunty!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Super Sexy CPR (Original)

Dear Course director,

Thank you so much to teach me tricks to motivate people to book an EFR course!!
I think in Spain people will be very receptive (even if is a catholic country, they really like blonds!!).



Thursday, January 10, 2013

My pic...

... today....

I look very serious!! I like it!!! hahahahaha

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


... woke up with this in my head....
I guess because of watching a movie yesterday....


Monday, January 7, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The moon in 2013


So what happen to me yesterday, to make me see how idiot is the human "bean" (that's for you Karlitos).
So I took the early morning boat to Phiphi, I arrived at the pier even earlier, but it was just an hour to wait. Check in (you show your ticket, they give you a sticker with where you are going just in case you forget on the way) was at 7h30, went into the boat that was leaving at 8h. At 7h55 the boat was still empty, just me an another family, and then suddenly, rivers of people from every nationality start to come on board, no more sitting space, no problem, plenty (not) of outside area.
No many people was going to Phiphi, a lot were going to Phuket (4 of January, close airport... of course!).
Phuket bag are outside, totally blocking the door at the back of the boat, the only door that allowed you to go to the toilet, or to escape, without having to walk on 50 persons sitting on the side on the boat (each side, one was vomiting... lovely).
So I stay there, quiet, looking, and thinking: I can fit through the window, if the boat start sicking, that's good!
And there we go, it's 8h45, sweaty people, complaining everywhere (all enjoying the Thai experience), and then this little muslim girl, start walking around with this massive carton box of oily smelly donut... mmmmmm... yami!
Is not like people are starving or anything in a one hour boat ride!!! come on!!
We arrive to the bay of Phiphi, and I was excited, first because we didn't sinck, and second because I thought wuaaaaaauuuu I'm going to be there at 9h30, good timing!Silly, silly me!
The little muslim girl has a voice, and what a strong one! She start shouting: PHUKET, PHUKET this way!!! and pointing at the sides of the boat. I mean, where do you expect exactly all this people to move too??
But she insist, one more time and people start moving, all at the same time, and all at the same side: did I mention that we are on a boat?
Finally, another boat arrives. It's even more full of people, Looks like a cartoon, with people hanging out of the boat from every side.
The face of the 100 people on the boat.... just made me smile...
People start to get angry, and nothing has happened already.
The best part is to come.
The Thai staff start throwing all the bags (on the Phuket side, very organised this little Thais), into the Phuket boat, all of them, people are no even moving yet, because there is so many of them!
Then the muslim sweet heart said:
No possible every people on this boat, maybe wait next boat at the pier 11h30.

So guess what....

People actually starting jumping out the window to be on the boat with the bags, and the captain got so pissed of, that he drove away!!!
So half of the boat had there bags direction Phuket.... and the other half probably sunk yesterday on the way to Phuket....

You have to love people!
What I do really love is people watching, and NO I'm not discreet, and yes, I find all this situations very funny! (I probably had jump through the window too,  but for sure I wouldn't be angry because I had 5 donuts, and I can't go through the window and that's why I lost my bag).

So the moral of the story, is that people are retarded to eat DONUTS: they are BAD for you!!!



ps: Thank you to read my randomness...

Friday, January 4, 2013


... again....

It's super busy tho... like busy busy busy, all the guest houses are fully booked, and the ones that are not... very expensive... but anyway... overall, ok.

At least I have internet so I can just be random online...

I actually have a very funny story about the trip on the boat today coming over to Phiphi, Humans... the big majority, just don't think, like Rebecca will say: retarded!! but really.
I'm sorry that I feel a little tired now to write down the story, is a little long... but funny, I will take some time tomorrow...

Thinking of you all


is barefoot.....

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

letting go...

...of my green flip flops was the first move of the year...

Many countries... and many kilometres... but finally died...