Thursday, April 12, 2012


Ohwauuuu I have been a busy and energetic girl… like usual actually!
Already 2 weeks back in Europe, a little bit freezing but not too much because the sun is shining in Spain and was shining in the south of France too!

So what’s new from St Martin’s departure?
On the air across the Atlantic with Jack and Mayday in a massive box.
Bless them, they were soooo good!
Arriving in Holland I went to Starbucks and they went to an “animal hotel” because apparently they shit all over the cage. It was not there fault! We wrote very big: “PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS” and guess what? They fed them!! Thanks to the team of animal care in Amsterdam that clean the cage and probably gave a massive joint to the dog and cat to calm them down!
Arrived to Madrid they actually put the cage on the luggage machine so they came out with all the bags, both sitting down in the massive cage (business class cage!) looking around and everybody laughing!  It was funny, for sure!

It was nice to be home! To see my mum and my dad and my old boy Nitrox!
The house is a little full now, but  Is good for Nitrox to socialize with the youth and to run after the cat, keep him fit and healthy if it doesn’t die of a heart attack!

A few days in Madrid, eating good food, enjoying the family and the sun and it was Easter! It was such a long time that I wasn’t home for Easter that I forgot! It was time to go to France and visit the French side of the family (the dark side! Just kidding, I love them!).
So after 8h on the road, stopping every 2h to make sure that Cat or dog didn’t piss or shit in the back of the car, we arrive to Perpignan.
My Grand mother, my sister (the little one lives there), and of course: my cousin plus boyfriend, aunty and oncle!
But that was not the end of the trip, just a little stop over before spending 3 days in the French Riviera (oh my god, sounds so posh… but actually it isn’t).
Antibes, beautiful little old town, with an amazing market, some very nice boats and a lot of charme.
Nice, very nice town, young, good energy, amazing front beach walk, with a lot of people walking and enjoying the sun set, taking the time for LIFE.
And Monaco, Montecarlo… what a strange place!!! Massive buildings (very ugly) next to very cute little houses, beautiful boats (I saw the Maltese Falcon not very pretty, but an incredible piece of engineering!), I have never seen such an amount of expensive cars in my life! Nearly pornographic when you know a little of what is going on in the world!
I did like to drive  on the Montecarlo circuit, that was cool!!!

Anyway, after many pictures, lots of food and wine, we went back to Perpignan to get some quality time with my sister and my grand mother. The weather was awesome  and we did lots of walking around in the little villages on the coast and in the inside.
Vines, lavender, rivers, sun, the sea… the Med can be very beautiful!

In a few days I’m packing again, this time for 7 months.
Ibiza is going to be my home, so I’m back on the Island!
I’m excited. Ibiza has something really special. I love the sea, the fields, the light, the people, and of course the food!

I’m noticing I’m talking a lot about food, but I was doing so well keeping my kilos up, and suddenly, with the moving around, and the lack of Nutella, is not so easy anymore!

So that is that for the life of the gypsy.
I guess I will do better with the blog when I get myself organized (is that going to happen one day?).
I can’t wait to see the white Island, my dear friend Nick (and of course my BOSS) and to be underwater! 2 weeks is too long.

In the other hand I’m a little sad because Mayday and Jack are staying in Madrid.
My Mum is not really a cat lover, so we try to give Jack away to a nice home with a good family and Mayday will stay with Nitrox… and we see.
I believe they will be fine and happy, they will forget about me very fast, probably way faster than me!

Anyway you guys, I hope everybody is happy and I send you a lot of love
