Friday, May 11, 2012

In love with Nicolas... the little one...

Yesterday we had a surprise at the diving centre!
Stephanie came to visit (she is the super woman, gorgeous, intelligent, mother, worker etc…) with her little son: Nicolas.
He is so smiley and cute, I think he is a potential boyfriend for my niece, but as well he is the perfect Dive Master !! He loves the fashion of the diving gear, he adores to carry tanks and he loves cleaning!!! (Steph, I think Nico spend far too much time with you!!).
It was lovely to have a break in the day!
I hope you guys come and visit more often!

Things are getting done and in place at the diving centre. The problem with Spain is that everything will be done tomorrow (manana, manana….) and most of the time tomorrow is too early!
But hey, we will get there.
I guess my tone of caffeine during the day don’t help.
I keep wanting to hurry things and the people from the maintenance of the hotel run when they see me coming… but I run faster!!
They ask me before saying hello if I have a list for them of things to do… shame…
But they smile, so maybe they don’t hate me yet!
Tomorrow I starting a rescue course with a Spanish DMT, so that’s pretty cool. Can’t wait to make him swim!!

Actually this project of making a dive centre work from the beginning is pretty cool, stressful sometimes (but I love this little stress that comes with the challenge), but the team is great, and this summer we are going to rock!

Rob makes us laugh all the time, like the other morning, Nick asked:
-       “ Is anyone of you have a computer with excel file? And Rob answered
-       No, sorry mate, I just have a D4!!”
Shame, but so funny!

This week end there is a Medieval market in Ibiza town, and is going to be great!!

Anyway, a little thing to finish that Gandhi said:
“Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but is very important that you do it!”

With this, have a lovely day!