Thursday, July 12, 2012


So that is that...

Very busy, like always, working, working and enjoying as much time as I can with Rebecca!
So she arrived on the 3th of July, went to the airport to pick her up with my lovely Mica.
As soon as we arrived to the airport we parked next to this car:

Very PACHA style car.

I was soooo exciting to pick up Rebecca!
3 years without seen her, has been too long!! No more!!

So we have been hanging around at the dive centre, making Rebecca work hard (thanks babe for all your help).

We went for an amazing excursion to Atlantis and Es Vedra, one of my favourite place in the island, Karl and Mayday came over too. Mayday was jumping around like a little goat every where, and on the way up he was soooo tired (actually after sweating 2 paquets of cigarettes, I was tired too).

Then we had a night out.
Everybody was there and I was a little baby sitting really, is the fun of not been in drugs I guess... right....

And finally yesterday evening we went for a shopping girly night!
Rebecca bought me a bikini and a half (with very sexy bottoms, with my ars all out!!) you have to love IBIZA!!

Having a great time and so happy our friend is here!

Thank you Rebecca for crossing the Atlantic to come and see us!!

Love you!