Thursday, August 30, 2012

I inhale LOVE and exhale GRATITUDE

Before telling the story of the last 2 days, I have to put the pictures up, because sometimes an image is better than 10 000 words (with spelling mistakes!).
So here they come, in my second day in my 32, I can say, I feel pretty good!

Thank you all!!

 So I really don´t know why my pictures are horizontal....
I rotated them and everything... and didn´t work... shame...
·2 doesn´t make me more technological as you guys can see!!!
 Head down, eyes up!!

 Little poppy!!!!
and this one should be horizontal, and is vertical...
Somebody explain to me!!??

 The team!!!!

 I lok like a giraffe, but did really well in my high heels! from 11 pm to 3h30am!!!
Well done ME!!!

Life is good!!!!