Friday, September 21, 2012

What did I do last Sunday???


But we had lots of fun doing a photo shoot with bride and water!!!
So just for your information, you don´t need to buy a dress for 6000 euros!!!
Dress: 22 euros
Vail: 1,50 euros
Make up: done on the beach, in more or less 2 minutes
Shoes: inexistante
Ring: we forgot!!!!

At the begining I was a little unconfortable, but as soon as I reach the water... everything was easier!!

There is way more pictures than this ones (including pictures of Mayday running after a Cormorran!!).

Lots of fun, to finish with an amazing sun set!!

Thank you Karl to be an amazing photographer, I hope this will bring you lots of business.
Thank you Jandro and Mariano for you support.
Thank you Mayday to make me smile, even in a wedding dress!!!!!