Saturday, April 27, 2013

Chez Tonton Bern ;-)

(Bernard ne me deteste pas STP...).

So here we are ALL at Bernard's house!!
3 people, a dog and a cat, plus Fabien, a friend of Bernard, DJ.

To live here is actually amazing: I love the atmosphere!
This house is full of artist (mostly musicians) coming in and out of the house all day long, and I love it!

I just love open houses full of people.

Bernard has started to come to yoga with me... and he is LOVING IT!! (i'm lying!!).
The boys are working with their toys, computer, music, photo, programming etc...

Me, what can I say, I have been busy, doing a lot of writing for the web site (maybe soon some writing for the musicians!!! yuhuuuuu), organising and looking for a 2 hand car, and bying a second hand car, and now looking for a place to live.
I will stay here forever, but I think Bernard will end up drowning us one by one in the swimming pool... or poisoning us: for sure!
Talking about poisoning, I'm sure he is trying already with the Babelutten! (a sweet from Belgium with caramel and salty butter: salty butter, who does that?? must be the Belge humor! ;-))
As well, I nearly forgot about that, he bought me some drops: RESCUE drops, to calm me down... I don't get why... but I'm sure is a bad drug, and the boys try to give it to me to have peace and quiet... THANKS ;-)

Anyway, opening the dive centre the 1 of May, can't wait to pick up Rob at the airport!!!

The team is back, and is going to be great!!
I can't wait to be underwater!
(actually we are a little because is pissing with rain, but is great for the fields, the flowers, and earth!).

Ibiza still as beautiful as ever, man, I love this Island.

I was landing on monday, and a little voice in my head said: welcome home Isa.

Pretty cool for somebody that doesn't have a HOME!! hihihi!!

Peace and love


C'est tellement beau ici

Thank you Bernard: you are amazing.


Where we all going to die! ;-)

At Taco Paco: best Mexican food ever!!

All of us

The boys

Oh la la!!!

Street art

Street art again...

My egg with wheels

The big joke from Belgium!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Last day in Madrid

So, last day in Madrid.
Perfect blue skies and sunny.
Family around, eating eating eating! Is what we do best ;-)

Tomorrow Ibiza, to see all the boys!!
Can't wait to be there, can't wait to start the season, can't wait to go diving, can't wait!!! Is going to be an incredible summer, I feel it!!!

Maybe not so more internet for a while... so maybe the blog stay in stand by!
We will see!

Some pictures of today

Peace and Love


preparation: Chocolate Cake

Chocolate, with chocolate and chocolate

Hey, Jamie Oliver, you don't scare me anymore!

I found my heart: FINALLY!!


Pallen and my dad

With Jorgillo!!


"little" aperitif before the big meal!


love youuuuu!!

lamb, my favourite!



Family oui, oui...


Tere, Mayte, Dad and Jorge

My kikooooooooooo

I'm going to get...

... so fat!
If my mum keep buying things for lunch and diner that I just LOVE, and allowed me to dig my finger in the cream pot!! (that's the beauty of been already more or less an adult woman, if you eat with your hands... no one can tell you off!).

Yesterday for diner: grilled fish and Strawberries and cream (OMG, that was so good!!).
Today for lunch BBQ...

I know that to shrink the jeans you put them in the dryer... what about to extend them? to make them bigger? any suggestions?

Saturday, April 20, 2013


... I still here, but only 2 more days.
Having time with my parents, time for myself, funny...

Yesterday I went shopping, girl shopping 100%.
Underwear, cremes, and a parfum... Alien... I think the name just suits me perfectly!

It was so funny because when I was paying the creme, the girl told me:
- I put some mini cremes to "reaffirm" your breast.
Is she kidding, so I look down to my... chest... and ask her:
- What about something to make the breast grow?
So we start laughing and eventually she told me that she was from Ibiza, and I ended up buying a perfume, that is actually, mmmmmm
But something that was a shopping express... I ended up staying 45 minutes chatting with this girl, very funny.

Today I went for a long walk in the country side, under the sun... lovely...

And after country side, city side this afternoon, to try to meet up with my cousin Kiko, always an adventure.

Family life make me feel like.... THAT:

Tiny again... but is a nice feeling... no fighting, no looking, no running... just been a daughter is relaxing...

Have a good afternoon all...

Forgotten pictures from the trip...

cold and wet walking la Rochelle's streets

La Rochelle

Street art

Le soleil, le sourire... pas de secret!

Mes pieds... toujours...

Friday, April 19, 2013

and ....

... for what a very good, old friend from Madrid said, this is me!! ;)


My song of the day...

... ufffff so Frenchy lately!! hahahaha

Incredible voice, love it!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


... so I forgot to tell you that eating the oysters, I found a PEARL!!! hahahaha amazing luck!

The next day we went to an amazing beach.
The idea was to surf or do some SUP... so we arrived behind a dune, carry the boards up and down the dunes (very heavy after a while) and when we saw the sea... surfing was NOT an option and SUP even less... so we went for a deep in the sea, freezing! I was wearing two rash vest, and my legs were blue!! Phil was jumping in and out the waves... crazy goat!!!

So even if the day was a failure in a BOARD way, it was amazing to play and be in the sun! I just love the beach!

During the night, jack was attacked by a fat ginger cat ( I was going to write something... but I won't, and I'm sure Phil's know what it is...), so he went missing all night and all day the next day (so that was monday) we were a little worried because it was our last day and we didn't want to have to go and leave him behind.

So during the day we went and play on a lake, we did SUP and enjoy the sun...
Water was still cold... but the place was just fantastic.
Mayday was running crazy in and out of the water and swimming after the board: very funny!

And that was our last day, SUP is fun, but to zen for me ;-)
And back to the camp for our last sun set, and packing the next day direction MADRID! (actually it was direction Biarritz, but when we arrived there, the place looked no so nice compare with where we just were so we decided to keep on driving to Madrid).

And voila... arrived to Madrid, to a nice BED!! with all of us, the cat came back as soon as the sun went down...
The boys, all of them (4) left this morning at 6h00 and here I am, in Madrid until Monday, working already toward the summer, writing the news on my blog and having some parents time, that I really enjoy!
The house feel a little empty today, but I'm sure that will be different as soon as I land in Ibiza on Monday (Bernard, J'ARRRRRIIIIIIVEEEEEEE!!!!).

So that's it for now,


just isa