Sunday, April 21, 2013

Last day in Madrid

So, last day in Madrid.
Perfect blue skies and sunny.
Family around, eating eating eating! Is what we do best ;-)

Tomorrow Ibiza, to see all the boys!!
Can't wait to be there, can't wait to start the season, can't wait to go diving, can't wait!!! Is going to be an incredible summer, I feel it!!!

Maybe not so more internet for a while... so maybe the blog stay in stand by!
We will see!

Some pictures of today

Peace and Love


preparation: Chocolate Cake

Chocolate, with chocolate and chocolate

Hey, Jamie Oliver, you don't scare me anymore!

I found my heart: FINALLY!!


Pallen and my dad

With Jorgillo!!


"little" aperitif before the big meal!


love youuuuu!!

lamb, my favourite!



Family oui, oui...


Tere, Mayte, Dad and Jorge

My kikooooooooooo