Friday, August 2, 2013


a few quiet minutes.... and not at 3 o'clock in the morning... but now, in a nice, hot, august afternoon.
I have been working so hard, trying to have a life as well and having fun... that my blog was not an option.
Many hours at the dive centre, and then... time with friends... relaxing, going out, having nice diners, enjoying the SUMMER TIME!!

We did a photo shout to promote me as a Course directrice... it was so funny, but I think I won't be using them now... a little too much, but so much fun!!

Anyway, lots of fun... but I won't use them! hahahahaha

Other than that, not a lot of time to decide what's next in my life... as usual, it will be a last minute decision, I know I will pack again... I feel it in my bones, and friends and family keep saying: you will go there, you will do that... seems like they know better...
What I know, is that my heart will say.... and the moon.... there is always the moon somewhere....
Lately, she has been gorgeous every night (un petit clin d'oeil!).

My family is in Denia, and I will give anything to can go and visit...
but I will have to wait... until they come in September....

I will write and write nonsense for hours, but the boat is nearly here....

Hope you are all good....

