Tuesday, February 21, 2012


2 more sleeps and my sister arrive with my funky niece!
I can’t wait!!

I have some missions still to accomplish and other that are done.
Like for example: mission number 1 was to find a “shit bucket” for my little niece… sound easy… but is not. Or they try to sale mega technological shit pots that cost nearly 40 dollars (NO WAY) or they have this things with the hole so small that I don’t know if the lovely little bum of my niece can fit (and the last thing I want is to give my niece an early complex!!).

Then, because we are in the Caribbean and nobody cares, we are looking for a baby chair for the car.
We have been in all the second hand shops and NOTHING (there is cages for animals if that can help??!! Just kidding). So I have 48 hours to find a baby sit for the car!!!
(Cecile if you read that don’t stress, I will make it!).

Other than that we manage to put the mosquito net  up (really badly, and is going to fall any time soon and kill someone with the sticks inside).

The rest, yes, is done!
We will have a big cleaning day… 5 minutes before the plane land!! And we will try to train in 48 hours our dog to be a little more clever…
No, doesn’t feel like mission impossible….

Other than that we still with NO INTERNET at home, maybe the day we decide to move, they decide to put it in!

In the shop for the morning and underwater this afternoon!!
Please sea, bring me some dolphins!

Lots of love